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Blog » Editing » How Does Image Enhancement Affect Real Estate Sales?

How Does Image Enhancement Affect Real Estate Sales?

by Tan Tason
Image Enhancement Effects on Real Estate Sales

Each of us has at least once spent time online looking at houses currently for sale. With 90% of home buyers exploring online at some point throughout their house-seeking trip, internet channels have already become an essential element of the home research process. During this search, nothing draws prospective buyers more than high-quality images that make the property stand out on the page; thus, the image enhancement effect on real estate sales is undeniable.

Fortunately, many resources are available to agents and businesses to help them stand out in a competitive marketplace. For example, digital marketing strategies like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media campaigns, and blogging may support agents in building a steady clientele. Photography, however, is one of the most effective ways to seal the deal on a property sale. In fact, real estate photography has the potential to boost the sales of properties. This article discusses the importance of high-quality real estate photographs.

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Table of Contents

The impact of image enhancement on real estate sales

If you hunt for the best methods to sell a property, you’ll come across articles on interior design and SEO techniques. You’ll find out how to market your house effectively and win over buyers. However, photography is a crucial initial step in real estate marketing since homebuyers depend primarily on visual resources such as images and videos when making a buying choice.

They initially encounter the property via your photographs, which they use to envision themselves living in the home. That’s how people start over in a new place and create the life they want for themselves. Due to the fact that people are naturally attracted to shiny, bright objects—a phenomenon known as the “magpie effect,” image enhancement effect on real estate sales is astounding.

Buyers are likewise on a quest to discover the right property but are met with an overwhelming number of options. Therefore, our minds first conduct a preliminary screening of prospective candidate houses through our intuitive and emotional system before shifting into a more logical and in-depth thinking state. It is clear that superb photography and videography can contribute to your success as a real estate agent.

Remember that homebuyers DO judge listings based on photographs, so be sure to do credit to your listings. Consider the statistics below:

  • Professional photography increases home sales by 32%.
  • Homes with more photographs sell more quickly as well.
  • Perfect photographs can boost the price of a property.

The importance of real estate photo enhancement

Good photography is more than exposure and composition in the real estate industry. Even while they are must-haves, online real estate photos also need to provide interested buyers with a full view of the home. Humans are definitely visual beings, and according to research, 60% of customers’ attention is focused on images, while just 20% is spent on words.

Properties with professional-quality images offer an edge in a crowded real estate market. Aside from speeding up the sale of a home by 32%, high-quality photography may also result in a better selling price. In fact, listings in the $200,000 to $1,000,000 price bracket that have better quality photos often sell for an extra $3,00 to $11,000.Moreover, homes with professional photos get 24% more bookings than those without.

For the realtor, taking images of each property could be tedious and time-consuming. Time is wasted not just taking the images but also uploading, resizing, and recapturing them if they are blurry or otherwise subpar. You could save time and effort by using picture enhancement services or hiring a real estate photographer to do everything for you.

Why do only some real estate agents use quality images?

The best real estate images not only tempt prospective buyers to look at the home but also back up the other marketing materials for the sale. Your photographs will be used in printed and online brochures, email newsletters, and other promotional materials. Additionally, you can utilize them to create virtual tours and video tours of the site. As you can see, real estate photos are vital, so why do most realtors utilize low-quality photographs in their listings? Some of the reasons are listed below:

  • In many instances, house owners or real estate agents take their photographs due to a lack of funds or time restrictions. These pictures often don’t have the right angles, lighting, etc.
  • Images are often captured using cell phones, which might have obsolete or low-resolution cameras.
  • Sometimes the homeowner cannot access the property, which might result in the publication of outdated, subpar images of the property.


Good photography is essential to luring prospective homebuyers. Property listings with high-quality images are more likely to get a call from potential buyers and even result in a sale. The image enhancement effect on real estate is astounding since it may help a property sell quicker and for more money. Invest in quality real estate photography if you want to sell homes quickly. Additionally, you may utilize images to support your other marketing efforts, such as social media campaigns, printed materials like brochures and pamphlets, and website design.

To order image enhancement at an unbeatable price click below!


Image enhancement is the process of optimizing digital pictures for display. For instance, removing noise and sharpening or brightening a photo makes it simpler to detect essential elements.

Real estate picture editing often involves erasing unwanted items, updating the image’s geometry (by rotating or cropping it), adjusting the color and lighting, fixing lens aberrations, changing saturation, and adding artistic effects.

The primary picture-enhancing methods are contrast stretching, slicing, histogram equalization, and retinex-based algorithms.

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